1(647)242-5254 [email protected]

My Services

Lactation consultations and classes happen in your home, I bring a vegan snack to share and family and supports are welcome to join. Emergency or after birth visits are avalible at an additional cost.

β€œThe time and energy Jenna puts into education is incredable, I’m excited for our birth!”



Our Breastfeeding Education Through Story Telling classes are perfect for those families who want a holistic and informed base to start their parenting journey. These classes talk about planning for birth and being parent led, advocating through the maternity system, following your newborns needs and listening to their voice, bonding through communication and feeding from your body, nutrition and community care through your 4th trimester & nursing past a year.


A great prenatal breastfeeding class is going to focus on expectations and the fourth trimester, where to get evidence-based information when you need it, and community resources and support.

My Offerings

IBCLC Lactation Consultation


This package includes a home visit that typically last 1.5 to 2 hours and includes:

  • Birth and medical history
  • Breastfeeding history and assessment
  • Infant oral exam
  • Breast exam
  • Written care plan
  • Notes and resources
  • Referrals if needed.Β 

Medical history


Infant oral exam


Clinical nursing assessment


Notes, Resources & referrals


Newborn and Lactation Education Classes


Coming soon…. These classes talk about planning for birth and advocating through the maternity system, following your newborns needs and listening to their voice, bonding, responding with compassion and feeding from your body, nutrition and community care through your 4th trimester & nursing past a year.


6 week course


important information about birth and the impact of breastfeeding


topics include: pregnancy, birth, 4th trimester and more...


Invitation to join our community breastfeeding FB group


No fuss check in with an expert


Have some quick questions, looking for resources, a friendly voice for some support or to just plain vent? Then this video is for you! Your call will be for 45minutes and a great way to check in with an expert and give your mind the ease and information you need to continue your amazing journey nursing your babe.Β 


45 minute video call


resource links for further reading


any note or care plan.


Introduction to our FREE offerings.


Local community groups


referrals if needed


Hamilton and area breastfeeding & nursing parent meets.


Coming soon…..

Join us for our weekly La Leche League meeting where we have topic led discussions and touch on important new parenting issues such as:

Breastfeeding your newborn and the forth trimester, night time parenting, starting solids, co parenting, babywearing, elimination communication and so much more…


Questions answered by community experienced families


Meeting like minded new friends




After homebirth anytime on call assessmentΒ 


Our homebirth specific lactation services are for families who want to keep everything close to home. We will come to your house anytime oncall, do a full lactation consultation, bring a healthy vegan meal and check in at a time covinent for your family.


On call & anytime appointment


Full IBCLC assessment


Breastfeeding and birth history, breast and infant oral exam if needed


Invitation to join our in-person & online community groups which are for you, your supports and are LGBTQ+ inclusive


Prenatal breastfeeding information sessions for soon to be parents.


Prenatal breastfeeding/ chestfeeding information sessions are offered at your home in 1.5 hour timeΒ  These private workshops are fun, informative and a great way to prepare yourself and your partner for any questions you may have about your upcoming nursing journey with a newborn. This is not to replace a breastfeeding preperation class as this is for specific questionsΒ 


3 hour session


Womanly art of breastfeeding book to take home


includes vegan lunch


invitation to our community groups and online resources



"She was a calm and positive rock throughout the night"

both myself and partner feel cared for during our birthing. Then as soon as our baby was born, she switched modes, she made me an amazing cinnamon tea to drink right after the birth of my placenta, made both my partner a warm meal, cleaned the house and made sure we were comfortable in bed with our new love

Home Birth Education

Our homebirth specific childbirth classes are perfect for those families planning to birth at home and for families who plan to β€œstay at home as long as possible” before going to the hospital.

Week 1 : An Introduction to the Basics

  • Benefits of birthing at home.
  • Benefits and types of support.
  • What to buy for your homebirth hamper.
  • What is needed for a water birth.
  • Set up and take down of a birth pool.

Week 2 : Healthy preganacy, Healthy birth

  • The importance of nutrition in pregnancy.
  • Movement and Yoga for pregnancy and birth.
  • Support, mediation and like minded community.
  • Conditioning and our birth expectations.

Week 3 : Birth

  • The holistic stages of birth.
  • Positions (roleplay)
  • Partner support (role play)
  • Imagery: what we imagine.

Week 4 : Interventions and hospital transfer

  • Common interventions.
  • Common reasons for transfer.
  • How to maintain focus and power in a hospital setting.
  • Informed choice/ informed refusal.

Week 5 : Postpartum and the 4th trimester

  • First hours after birth.
  • First weeks to the first few months.
  • Baby care.
  • Babywearing.
  • Infant family sleep.
  • How to set up family and community food train.

week 6 : Breastfeeding, parenting and communitcation

  • The first few hours after birth.
  • The first latch.
  • The importance of colostrum and mature milk.
  • Milk transfer: β€œIs baby getting enough?”
  • Structure, gravity and positions.
  • Breastfeeding for the next 2 years.

Complete education for home birthing


Includes pool set up and break down


Some weeks include homework



Our breastfeeding classes are offered as a group or in a private setting, they are very relaxed and a lot of fun! Packed full of information we sometimes have our Q & A sessions during lunch to make sure we don’t go over time.

Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Education

Pre and postnatal nursing classes are offered as a group or in private lessons. These workshops are fun, informative and a great way to prepare yourself and your partner for the full time job of nourishing your baby with human milk.

Part 1 : An Introduction to the Basics

  • Anatomy and why we make milk.
  • Recognising feeding cues & feeding on demand.
  • Positions and latching.
  • What to expect the first 2 weeks.

Lunch break

Lunch is provided and will be gluten, processed sugar and cows milk free.

25 min.

Part 2 : Breastfeeding and support.

  • Breastfeeding baby to toddler.
  • Strategies for night time parenting.
  • Frequently asked questions.
  • Books & community support.

Classes are 3 hours in total with a 25 minute lunch where we will have a question and answer period.

Lunches are provided by me and are vegan.

Birth Doula & Postpartum Care

Birth doula and postpartum package are by referal only.

This package includes:

-Prenatal visits

-2 Weeks on call for birth

-Lactation support

– Community resources and client library



Shall we?

One of my favourite parts of being a doula is meeting perspective clients for a tea and walk on the beach, we will talk about your dreams and expectations, how you would like to be supported, what you would like for your postpartum care and what you would like for that amazing first meal after baby is born.

Let’s chat!