1(647)242-5254 [email protected]

Hello I’m Jen Chesna-Buckle

& here is a few things you should know about me

“Feed our babies, feed ourselves” is a great reminder that good parenting means that we need the same love, compassion and care that we give to our children daily.

Hi I’m Jen Chesna-Buckle.

I am a International Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Certified Blactation Educator Accomplish (CBEA), Certified Lactation Educator Councillor (CLEC), Certified Breastfeeding Specialist (CBS) who specialises as a Vegan Chef. As a La Leche League Leader with LLL Internarional hold Bi-weekly family parenting groups, make delicious & nutritious food for postpartum clients while running around town doing home visits for those families wanting some extra love and lactation support.

When not on the job you can find me at my desk writing lactation training programs for Doulas and Healthcare Providers, testing lactation education programs for various organisations, or doing my own continuing education through confrences and in person training for clinicians.

On my days off you can find me at the lake on my SUP or on my bike riding trails, I have a passion for being outdoors with my family and making likeminded friends.

Born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario, i started my education path as an IBCLC after the birth of my daughter in Vancouver BC before moving to Australia for 10 years where I built up my private practice and supported families in and around the city of Perth, WA, I finally returned home to be closer to family in 2025.

In July 2020 I completed the Lactation Consultant program through the University of San Diego. I am a Certified Lactation Educator Counsellor (Uni of San Diego), Certified Breastfeeding Specialist (LER), Culinary Nutrition Expert (ACN), Vegan Chef training completed in 2025.

I am currently working in the Hamilton & mountain area with service coming to Toronoto,

Vegan Chef training
IBCLC working with families

But home is where my heart is

At the heart of my work with families is supporting parents through their breastfeeding/ chestfeeding journey. I delight in the connection between feeding our babies from our bodies and with human milk to the interplay of nutritional communication, emotional intelligence and our bond as parents that grows along side our children.

The benefits of breastfeeding are nutritional, physiological and emotional.

I believe that…

“The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women.”

—Stephen Gaskin

“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers — strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”

—Barbara Katz Rothman